"A Vote For HUMAN Is a Vote For PEOPLE"

Volunteering With This Campaign

The foundation of any election campaign is volunteers. If you like the idea of human being your representative on the City Council, consider volunteering for this campaign! There are several ways you can help:

donate You can, of course, make a donation.

palm card You can volunteer to help distribute literature to local voters in a lit drop.

signs at poll You can hold signs promoting me at the polls on election day.

To volunteer, get in touch by giving us a call at (603) 614-4346, e-mailing, or using any of the other means listed on our contact page.

If you are technically inclined, you might also contribute patches or other improvements to this Web site. Alternative CSS stylesheets are welcome. If you have a file, patch, changeset, or anything else you'd like to contribute to the site, contact

Thank you!